In Lango tradition, the saying “Min Dyang Dit Acungu” signifies that size doesn’t matter in relationships. This is brightly illustrated in Jaymaphy’s latest video for his song “Akwayi,” where the slender Jaymaphy is seen begging for love from a full figured woman.

In the video, Jaymaphy stands out by choosing a curvaceous woman to be his “lover”. The narrative suggests that if it weren’t for the constraints of the video shoot, Jaymaphy would be thoroughly enjoying her company, as there is no shortage of affection in their portrayal.
The video showcases a luxurious setting, where the woman is treated like a goddess, adorned in luxury that leaves viewers in a WOW of the video’s costs.
“Akwayi,” which translates to “Please” in Luo, is a love song where Jaymaphy takes his “fleshy lover” on a ferry adventure, creating a pretty scene that highlights the sweetness of shared love and adventure. The lyrics express Jaymaphy’s completeness when with his lover and his request for her not to break his heart.
“Akwayi” is written and performed by Northern Uganda’s renowned RnB artist, Jaymaphy Atin Ker, also known as “The Love Song Bird.” The audio was produced and mastered by Brazen Rule of Hardcore Records, with the stunning visuals captured by Mark10scenes of 10Magic Films.