
Bhendril: Why Nobody Wants You Until You’re Taken

Have you ever noticed that when you’re single, nobody seems to be interested in you? No matter how hard you try or how much effort you put into your appearance, it seems like nobody wants to date you.

But the moment you get into a relationship, suddenly everyone starts crawling out of the woodwork, telling you how they’ve been crushing on you since birth. It’s a phenomenon that many people have experienced and one that can be both frustrating and confusing.

The truth is, this phenomenon isn’t just limited to romantic relationships. It’s a common occurrence in all aspects of life. When you’re successful, people want to be around you. When you’re happy, people want to share in your joy.

When you’re confident, people are drawn to your energy. It’s human nature to be attracted to positive qualities, but it’s important to remember that these qualities were always present within you, even when you were single and feeling undesirable.

So why do people suddenly become interested in you when you’re in a relationship? There could be a few reasons.

Firstly, seeing someone in a happy, healthy relationship can be inspiring to others. They may see the love and connection between you and your partner and want that for themselves. Additionally, being in a relationship can boost your confidence and self-esteem, which can make you more attractive to others.

However, it’s also important to consider the role that societal norms play in this phenomenon. We live in a culture that places a high value on romantic relationships and often equates our worth with our relationship status.

When we’re single, we may feel like we’re missing out on something or that there’s something wrong with us. But when we’re in a relationship, suddenly we’re validated. This mindset can lead others to view us differently as well.

It’s important to remember that your worth as a person is not determined by your relationship status. You are valuable and deserving of love and attention, whether you’re single or in a relationship.

Don’t let the opinions of others dictate how you feel about yourself. Focus on cultivating self-love and confidence, and the right people will be drawn to you regardless of your relationship status.

It’s common for people to suddenly become interested in us when we’re in a relationship, but it’s important to remember that our worth is not determined by our relationship status.

By focusing on cultivating self-love and confidence, we can attract positive relationships into our lives regardless of whether we’re single or taken.

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