
Lira District In Fear Of Losing UGX 4Bn Assigned For Staff Recruitment.

The Lira Chief Administrative Officer Mr. Otim Ben Ogwete, is anxious about losing the UGX 4 Billion meant for the recruitment of staffs majorly the health sector in the district.

The money, which was disbursed to the district at the beginning of this Financial year and has been laying redundant in the district’s account pending approval of the staff recruitment by the Public Service Commission for vacant posts.

According to Mr Otim is worried that with the financial year nearing an end, the district might be forced to return the money back to the treasury.

He continued saying that district has resources and is ready to recruit staff but they have not received given a go forward by the Ministry to proceed.

The Lira District Health Officer, Dr. Patrick Buchan Ocen cited almost all health facilities now have critical cadres like midwives, medical doctors, and clinical officers who are forced to work without support. They also have some unfilled positions such as security officers, and porters.

The district has been conducting recruitment for health workers on a replacement basis the last seven years. In other departments, technical workers are working without assistants while others especially those in the newly created sub-counties such as Ayami, Itek, and Awiodyek are in acting positions.

Lira District staffing level achieved is about 86%.

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