
Sheila Gashumba’s Chicken Fight With Kayz Takes Another Twist

NBS TV’s After 5 Presenter Sheila Gashumba‘s insane boxing day chicken fight with fellow workmate Kawalya Isaac aka Lord Kayz has taken another twist.

This all started when Kayz showed his dissatisfaction with workmate Sheilah Gashumba’s dress code. According to the UNCUT Kalakata presenter, he believes that whatever Sheila does will haunt her in the future when has kids.

However, in today’s early morning tweets, Frank Gashumba’s daughter just couldn’t hold back as she blasted Kayz in her early morning Boxing day tweets. Additionally, these have called for all kinds of mixed reactions on different social media platforms.

“Dear Kaiyz, you grew up watching That’s Life Mwattu and Kigenya Agenya on a black and white tv. I grew up watching live performances of Rihanna and Beyoncé and Disney channel, E!. I’m here to remind you that WE ARE NOT AND WE WILL NEVER BE ON THE SAME LEVEL. Lol I’ve never seen a tv presenter in my whole life who has wanted clout and relevancy like Kayz Stick to attending parties in your neighborhood my dear. Clearly you can take someone from the village but you can’t take the village out of someone,” Sheila Gashumba tweeted

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