
Oppositions Rejects Ebola Lockdown

The opposition leadership in parliament has rejected the need for a government-instituted lockdown in Mubende and Kassanda districts.

They argue that the increase in Ebola infections registered to nearly 130 and 37 deaths is a sign that the measure is ineffective.

The shadow minister for health Dr. Timothy Batuwa proposed the need for government to resort to the profiling of affected families, who in turn would be provided with personal protective gear on grounds that the pattern of the contagion show that the concentration is at the household level.

Apparently, Uganda has registered 129 accumulative cases of Ebola, 37 deaths and 43 recoveries mainly in districts of Kassanda and Mubende.

A total of 1,656 contacts are actively being followed-up in ten districts, follow-up rate in the past 24 hours was 88%.

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