
Otuke CDOs On Spot For Collecting PDM Registration Fee of about UGX 40.000

The minister of state for Labour and Social Development, Rtd. Col. Charles Okello Engola has ordered for the arrest of two CDOs who are alleged to have collected money from SACCOs for registration in order to benefit from the much anticipated Parish Development Model (PDM).

This emerged during the official sensitisation meeting that took place on Tuesday 28th June 2022 at the district head quarters in Otuke District officiated by the minister of State for labour Rtd. Col. Charles Okello Engola was in Otuke District to preside over the official sensitisation of Parish Development Modle.

During the public engagement, it was discovered that some of the Sub County CDOs were collecting at least UGX 30,000/= from each of the SACCOs to have their groups registered at the sub County.

According to the RDC Otuke Gillian Akullo, the affected sub counties are Alango, Adwari and Okwang.

“Alango they were collecting like UGX 40,000, Adwari, then okwang they were collecting like UGX 30,000 and the all accepted that they picked that money…” Said Gillian Akullo, Otuke District Residence District Commisioner.

This angered the Minister who immediately ordered for the arrest of the three CDOs and anybody extorting money from the vulnerable groups

He urged local leaders to help the community in the selections of enterprises to realize a better outcome of the project.

“We are trying to make sure that the leaders are first clear on their minds, we can not go on changing the minds of people who are on ground when the leaders still have that mind set which is not normal…” Said Rtd. Col. Charles Okello Engola, State Min. For Labour.

Meanwhile, the area Members of Parliament hailing from Otuke pledged support for the initiative to deliver their electorates from poverty.

Otuke District registred 54 SACCO groups engaging in 834 enterprises to generate income for their households.

PDM is a multi-sectorial strategy to create Socio-economic activities by moving 39% house holds out of subsistence economy into the money economy using the Parish as the epicentre for development and transformation.

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