
Teacher killed for not buying alcohol for colleagues after receiving his salary

Police in Kabale is investigating circumstances under which one person was beaten to death and another one critically injured and admitted

The deceased has been identified Christopher Tutariterebuka, 29 years and a teacher at St. George Kibuzige Secondary school in Rubanda district and a resident of Nyamabare village, Kicumbi parish, Kamuganguzi sub county Kabale district.

It’s alleged that the deceased was at Twesigomwe Elias’s pub at Nyakasharara trading center drinking with his close friend only identified as Simpson and many onlookers after receiving his monthly salary.

It’s believed that the deceased was using the salary to buy booze for himself and friends.

Unfortunately, those he never bought for, became jealousy and opted to follow them as they were leaving for home.

According to the Kigezi regional police spokesperson Elly Maate,they were attacked, beaten and Tutariterebuka hit on the head using a big stone which smashed his face and died instantly, while they attempted to kill Simpson who was put in a sack and tied with the rope on a tree leaving him unconscious.

“People who were passing by at around 8am saw them, then called Twesigomwe Elias, the LC 3 chairperson Kamuganguzi subcounty who later informed the police and rushed the victim to Kabale regional referral hospital for treatment,”Maate said.

Maate further revealed that exhibits like a rope, a sack and a blood stained big stone were recovered at the scene, body of the deceased teacher was examined at the scene of crime and handed over to the relatives for a descent burial.

One suspect known as Moses Kamugisha was arrested after he was mentioned by the victim to help in investigations.

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