UNEB Releases First UCE Results Under New Curriculum, 98% Pass Rate Recorded

The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has released the first batch of Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) results under the newly implemented curriculum, marking a significant shift in the country’s education system. The results indicate that an overwhelming 98.05% of candidates successfully qualified for the UCE certificate.

A total of 359,417 candidates registered for the exams, with a nearly even gender distribution of 49.3% male (177,133) and 50.7% female (182,284). Among these, 136,785 (38.1%) were beneficiaries of the Universal Secondary Education (USE) program, while 222,632 (61.9%) were non-USE candidates. Exam attendance was notably high, with 357,120 students (99.4%) sitting for their exams, leaving only 2,297 (0.6%) absent, reflecting a continuing decline in absenteeism.

Under the competency-based assessment approach, UNEB has done away with ranking students into divisions as was the case under the previous curriculum. Instead, candidates qualify for the UCE certificate if they obtain a competency level grade of at least a ‘D’ in any subject taken.

UNEB reported a significant drop in examination malpractice cases. This year, 984 candidates from 64 schools are suspected of malpractice, a steep decline from the nearly 3,000 cases recorded last year. Most of the reported cases occurred in science practical examinations, particularly in Physics. According to UNEB, in 93.1% of the reported cases, candidates were found copying experimental results provided by teachers, with their recorded results not corresponding to their actual work.

UNEB’s Executive Director, Dan Odongo, emphasized that the new skills-based curriculum requires well-equipped science laboratories and workshops to facilitate self-learning. However, many rural and private schools lack these essential facilities and are also short of science teachers. Additionally, some schools resisted the curriculum change, continuing to teach the old syllabus in hopes of government retracting the new system. This resistance contributed to challenges in science performance.

Following the release of results, the selection process for Senior Five placements is set for February 20 and 21, 2025. The first term for Senior Five students will commence on March 3, 2025.

The overall transition to the competency-based curriculum has been deemed successful, despite initial challenges. UNEB remains committed to ensuring a smooth adaptation process for students, teachers, and schools alike.



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