By Bhendril Hopio
As the Christian community embarks on the sacred season of Lent, Lira Diocese Bishop, Rt. Rev. Santos Lino Wanok has called upon believers to use this time for deep reflection and renewal.
Speaking ahead of Ash Wednesday, the bishop emphasized the importance of the 40-day period, which he described as a journey of spiritual transformation.
Lent, which begins on March 5 this year, will continue until the eve of Holy Thursday. Bishop Wanok highlighted the significance of the number 40, noting its biblical association with Jesus Christ’s 40 days of fasting in the wilderness, as well as similar periods of reflection undertaken by great figures such as Moses.
“This period is a strong symbolic sign calling for a decisive time to follow God. It is not merely a ritual but a personal commitment to transformation,” the bishop stated.
He emphasized that Lent is a time for Christians to reflect on their lives in relation to God and their neighbors, focusing on the two greatest commandments: to love God with all one’s heart, soul, and being, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself. He acknowledged the challenge of truly living out these commandments but urged believers to strive for genuine love and unity.
On Ash Wednesday, Christians will receive the sign of the cross marked with ashes on their foreheads, accompanied by the words: “You are dust, and to dust you shall return.” This, Bishop Wanok explained, serves as a reminder of human mortality and the mission given by God to love and serve.
“The Lenten season is a call to journey through self-examination, repentance, and renewal,” He said. “It is a time for all baptized Christians to participate in radical conversion, aligning their lives with God’s purpose.”
Throughout Lent, Bishop Wanok encouraged daily scripture readings, prayer, fasting, and acts of charity as key steps in spiritual growth. He expressed concern that many Christians do not own or read the Bible, urging them to embrace the Word of God as a foundation for their faith.
He also reflected on the mystery of life and death, highlighting how every breath and every moment of existence is a gift from God. “Life and death move side by side, and as Christians, we must acknowledge our role in guiding new generations into the faith through baptism and continued spiritual formation,” he noted.
The Lenten season will culminate in the celebration of the Paschal Triduum, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday marking the climax of Jesus Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection. The Bishop also urged all Christians to take these final days of Lent with utmost seriousness, engaging in the Way of the Cross, Good Friday reflections, and preparing their hearts for the Easter celebration.
“Lent is not just a ritual; it is a journey that requires true commitment. It is a time to rekindle our faith, renew our love for one another, and strengthen our relationship with God,” He Said.
The bishop called on Christians to embrace this sacred season with humility, devotion, and a renewed sense of mission, ensuring that their faith is not merely in words but in action and truth.