
Lango Sub-region Battles High Sickle Cell Prevalence, Fundraising Event Draws Near

The organizers of the Uhuru Sickle Cell Run in Lira City have called on various stakeholders to support their efforts in raising funds for vital sickle cell diagnostic equipment.

The event, scheduled for October 5, 2024, aims to gather resources to buy machines for confirming sickle cell disease, which is urgently needed to improve the diagnosis and screening of newborns in a region heavily affected by the condition.

Lango Sub-region holds the highest prevalence of sickle cell disease in Uganda, with Alebtong District standing out at a worrying 23%, far above the national average of 17%.

The statistics are alarming: 25,000 children are born with sickle cell disease annually in Uganda, but 80% do not survive beyond their fifth birthday, and the 20% who do often struggle to access adequate healthcare. Lira Regional Referral Hospital alone is currently managing over 1,200 individuals living with the disease.

During a media briefing on Wednesday at ST Lira Hotel, Assistant RCC Bonny F. Okello Alele, who chairs the organizing committee, urged young couples, students, and religious institutions to actively promote premarital sickle cell screening. This step, he noted, is crucial in reducing the disease’s prevalence in the community.

The committee also stressed the urgent need for an HB electrophoresis machine, a critical tool for accurately diagnosing sickle cell disease. Funds raised from the Uhuru Sickle Cell Run will be used to acquire this equipment for Lira Regional Referral Hospital and Alebtong Health Center IV.

Alele applauded the ongoing support from various sectors but emphasized that more contributions are essential to address this pressing health issue.

North Kyoga Police spokesperson SP Jimmy Patrick Okema confirmed that security will be a priority during the event, ensuring the safety of all participants. The run will include a 4km walk, a 10km run, and an 18km run.

Stanbic Bank, represented by Kibwota Patrick contributed UGX 10 million to support the initiative, with hopes that other corporations will follow suit.

Daniel Odur Roy, the executive director of Catherine Phil Sickle Support Initiative, highlighted the need for increased awareness and proactive health measures to combat sickle cell disease in the region.

The fundraising run us being organised by Catherine Phil Sickle Support Initiative in collaboration with Lira City Elites Club.


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