Speaker of Parliament Annet Anita Among has defended the decision to hold regional parliamentary sittings, refuting claims that the initiative will lead to a waste of taxpayers’ money.
She emphasized that no additional funds have been allocated for the northern regional parliamentary sitting, countering what she described as misinformation spread by individuals with ill agenda against the Northern region.
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Speaking during the orders of procedure for the regional parliamentary sitting, which is taking place in Gulu City running from August 28 to 30, 2024, Speaker Among clarified that the Parliament of Uganda is not confined to its physical building in Kampala. “The building in Kampala is not Parliament, it is an arm of government that can convene in any part of the country, and this is not unique to legislatures, it has also been done with the judiciary,” she stated, citing Article 95(2) of the Ugandan Constitution.
Among criticized the perception that Parliament should only be associated with Kampala, labeling it as selfish. She pointed out that Parliament could even convene in the middle of Kampala if deemed necessary, emphasizing the flexibility and accessibility of the legislative body.

The decision to hold the regional sitting in Gulu has sparked significant activity in the city, with Members of Parliament and other stakeholders descending upon the region for the inaugural event.
However, the move has not been without its critics. Hon. Jonathan Odur, the Member of Parliament for Erute South, has also been one of the vocal critics, expressing his refusal to participate in the sitting.
Odur stated last week, “I’ll not be part of thieves who are sitting in the regional parliamentary sitting in Gulu next week. I will not be part of that comedy. Me, I speak from the floor located in Kampala!”
Odur further argued that all pressing issues concerning the Lango sub-region, such as the Akii Bua Stadium, roads, and poverty alleviation, have been raised within the main Parliament in Kampala.
As the regional parliamentary sitting kicks off, Gulu City is set to witness a historic event, marking the first of its kind in Uganda’s legislative history.