
Parliament Commends UNEB for Tackling Exam Malpractice

In a session on January 10th, 2024, the Parliamentary Committee on Education and Sports praised Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB) for implementing robust measures that significantly reduced examination malpractice. Led by Executive Director Mr. Dan N. Odongo, the UNEB team received accolades for upholding educational standards.

The committee specifically lauded UNEB’s gender mainstreaming policies and focus on Special Needs Education (SNE) candidates. Additionally, the effective public awareness strategy was commended for contributing to the decline in examination malpractice cases.

During the session, the committee urged the Ministry of Finance to allocate resources to address UNEB’s underfunded priorities. Mr. Odongo highlighted challenges, including low remuneration for examiners leading to a high turnover, necessitating constant and costly training of new personnel.

Mr. Odongo emphasized the cost of equitable assessment, citing increased SNE candidature due to awareness efforts. He informed the committee about the need for additional support personnel, necessitating financial assistance.

Expressing gratitude, Mr. Odongo thanked the committee for their commitment and guidance. He highlighted UNEB’s transition to competency-based assessment and appealed for adequate resources to facilitate a smooth process, aligning with the board’s goal of enhancing the quality and relevance of national assessments for transformative education.

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