
Lawmakers Passes New Draft of Anti-gay Bill

Parliament has reconsidered the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2023 and passed it with amendments to the four clauses that formed the basis of President Museveni’s return of the Bill.

Persons who knowingly allow their premises to be used for acts of homosexuality now face 7 years in jail upon conviction while those who fail to report acts of homosexuality while having knowledge about them face a fine of Shs10 million or 5 years in jail.

The Bill has also maintained some of the harsh penalties adopted earlier in March including; a death penalty for same-sex acts and a 20-year sentence for “promoting” homosexuality.

The MPs have also amended the act which requires reporting when a child is involved. The bill now goes back to the president for him to assent to it.

The president had returned the Bill to Parliament for reconsideration on three grounds including; the need for MPs to distinguish between one being a homosexual and actually engaging in homosexual activities.

He also proposed that the law incorporates aspects of rehabilitation for those unwillingly recruited, or who want to reform.

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