
Disbursement of Shs 4.1 Billion PDM Funds Commences in Amolatar District

Disbursement of Parish Development Model (PDM) funds has begun in Amolatar district, according to the district Chief Administrative Officer Brunos Nawoya. Over Shillings 4.1 billion is ready for disbursement to 85 PDM SACCOs across the district.

During the launch of the disbursement at Amolatar district headquarters on Thursday, Nawoya ordered the technical staff to ensure that the funds are accessible to all the SACCOs before the end of May this year.

Representing the state minister for local government Victoria Lusoke at the function, Deputy RDC Amolatar district Liamala Amhade warned both the beneficiaries and government officials against mismanagement of the funds.

The Kioga North Member of Parliament James Olobo suggested that the PDM forms be designed in the local language, noting that the community is finding difficulty in filling out the forms because of tough English and too many questions.

The Amolatar town council senior community development officer, Immculate Apio urged the beneficiaries to multiply the seed capital and boost livelihood standards. She called for everyone’s efforts toward this financial inclusion PDM pillar if they are to progress.

The PDM was launched by President Yoweri Museveni in February 2022, aiming at uplifting 3.5 million households still in the subsistence economy to the money economy.

The government appropriated about Shs 1 trillion for the PDM In the current financial year, 2022/23, which is expected to focus more on agricultural enterprises such as coffee, beans, maize, dairy farming, and poultry keeping among others.

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