
Promoter Freeman Sets Up A Recording Studio

In an effort to promote talent and take northern music to the next level, Freeman Recording Studio has been opened in Lumumba, behind Stabex Petrol Station.

What sets this studio apart from others is that the CEO promoter Freeman, has stated that they are not in it for the money, but rather to promote talent.

Freeman has been a part of the entertainment scene since 2009 but took a break from music in 2013 to travel to Kenya for business related duties. He returned in 2020 as a promoter managing two artists under his record label, Freeman Promotions – Raffie Da Don and Man Sunset Emma Cross. Freeman has also been promoting other talented artists in the region.

The producer attached to the studio, Robby One Pro from Gulu city, has already been behind many hit songs like Zetive.

The studio is currently running a promotion where customers can pay for one audio and get one produced for free or pay for three audios and get one video production.

Freeman is hoping that the productions from the studio will compete with international productions. He has also stated that he has more equipment coming up to ensure quality productions.

This initiative by Freeman and his team at Freeman Recording Studio is a great opportunity for aspiring artists to showcase their talent and bring their music to the masses.

If you are interested in taking advantage of the promotion, or just want to find out more about Freeman Recording Studio, you can contact them directly at 0775 114 386. The studio is open to all genres of music and welcomes all musicians to come and experience their state-of-the-art equipment and professional expertise.

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