
Otuke District on High Alert as Cattle Raids Persist in Ogwette and Olilim Sub-Counties

Otuke district has been experiencing a series of cattle raids in the areas of Ogwette and Olilim sub-counties.

Last week, 20 heads of cattle were raided, but thanks to the efforts of security forces, 15 were recovered, leaving a balance of 5 according to the North Kyoga Police Spokesperson, Jimmy Patrick Okema.

He also noted that on Sunday 2nd March2023, another 25 heads of cattle were raided, but this time, security forces managed to recover all of them. During the exchange of gunfire with the raiders leaving one cow was injured.

In response to the attacks, the security personnel have held a series of meetings with the locals, some of which have resulted in resolutions being made.

The security urged local leaders to make use of traditional methods of communication such as whistle-blowing to alert the community in case of any attack.

The community has also been called upon to remain vigilant and report any suspected raiders to the security forces immediately.

Additionally, the security agency have asked the locals not to over-politicize the process of fighting Karamojong raiders, but to have a collective responsibility in handling the issue.

Despite the challenges, the leadership of the area and the locals have been praised for their good working relationship, which has led to the recovery of some of the stolen cattle.
The security forces say they are prepared to handle the situation and have plans to add more personnel to the ground to help the available team.

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