Last year June,2022, Tekere Laki Clan daughter Miss. Deborah Angom Elizabeth Okuju was crowned as the first Miss Miss Lango 2022-2023 in an event that took place at Grand Pacific Hotel Lira City.
As many might have been debating on the benefits and some of the gains one can earn by playing a roll in the pageant, Miss Angom has highly admitted that wearing the crowned has impacted a lot in her life.
She confesses that she would be in regrets by now If she had ignored a calling for her participate in the pageant saying I was going to be one of the biggest mistake she could have made in her life.
“Here is a testimony that I hope will be helpful to a young queen out there with a dream. Listen to your heart and challenge yourself to what you want to achieve. The biggest mistake I could have made in my life was to ignore my conscience to go for Miss Lango. Miss Lango has been one of the most impactful decisions I have made in life and without a doubt, it has revealed the wonderful and passionate lady in me…
Miss Angom Deborah Okucu
Miss Angom who has worn the crown for at least 8 months admits that she has benefited a lot and she is a better person than before applauding the organizers and the CEO of the pageant, Miss Among Shakila.
“….I am braver than I was, stronger than I was, wiser than I was and more Amazing because of the Mentorship and experience from Miss Lango Beauty Pageant
Miss Angom Deborah Okucu in Parts
Thankyou Miss Lango Beauty Pageant
Thankyou Among Shakila”
She however calls upon young girls from Lango Sub region to enroll and be part of the pageant since she is ready to hand over the crown and support the next queen 2023-2024.
Preliminaries indicates that the second edition of The Miss Lango Beauty Peagent will be launched soon as the current Queen is suppose to hand over in June.
Lira Sqoop shall keep you updated on the dates and what it takes to participate in the second edition of the pageant.