
Lira District Given One Week Ultimatum To Pay UGX.30M

A group of Community based facilitators has given Lira District Local goverment officials an ultimetum of one week to clear up their depts.

About 15 staffs has been aiding in the implementation of Agriculture Claster Development project for the last two years in the district but unfortunately they not been paid in the last days of the project.

They’re located at Gastapo Guest House along Oyite Ojok Lane just adjacent to Hotel Good News. Reach them on 0779 207 017

Each of the of them demands for UGX 2 Million to cater for the unpaid months that they have worked for the last six months in the duration of June to December, 2022.

Ruth Akullo one of the sufferers say they are forced to act since they are well versed that their money was sent to the district account last year in October but unfortunately up-to-date none of them has touched the money.

“…we notice that our money was sent last year around October but unto now we haven’t received our money. we notice that there is may be problem somewhere that's why we have come today…”

Says Ruth Akullo one of the victims in an interview

She continued saying its hard and meaningless to toil under the current economy and yet she know she must be paid for what she had worked for.

As part their action, they were forced to lock the production gate in order for them to get answers to their queries.

Previously, the facilitators were being directly by the Ministry but as the project progress on, the mode of payment was decentralized to be handled by the Lira district Local government,
According to the the District Local Council V Chairperson, Richard Oric all this misfortunes comes as a result of the implementation of the new system where he say its wired and very slow.

“…Yes it is true, this people`s money was sent into Lira system. The only problem is that this new system we have been talking about is very trenchant, very slow in action…”

RCM Oric explains in an interview.

He however assures the facilitators that their money is available though they still have to follow all the possible process.
He father advised them to remain calm as they wait than to strike.

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