
Uganda National Ngo Forum mid-term Review of Implementation of NDP 3 In Lira City.

Civil societies & civil servant has come up with resolutions for  the  government to address in order to plan & implement the third National Development Plan (NDP3) 2020/21-2024/25 to “increase average household incomes & improve the quality of life of Ugandans”.  

This was during the Uganda national NGO forum mid-term review of implementation of the third NDP 3 2020/21-2024/25 with the theme:” providing a sharing & reflection for NGOs in Uganda” meeting held at hotel margarita in lira city involving civil societies & civil servants among others.

The participants raised concern about the success & achievements of NDP 1 & 2 in which the government, Uganda development bank, financial institutions & development partners needs to re-address & revise to succeed in NDP 3.

Dhikusooka Gyavura, senior monitoring & evaluation officer/ compliance national planning authority says that the government need to address, revise, support & invest in private sectors & financial institutions because there is no free money & not all can get the loan. 

According to the researcher & a project manager, local government councils’ scorecard initiative (LGCSCI), Jonas Mbabazi Musinga, the government is using original plan, bringing services nearer to the local people at the parish level.

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