
FUFA Drum! Lango V Tooro, Entrance Fee Stands At 10K

Entrance fee still stands at 10K and 30K and 50K following a meeting that took place yesterday at Uganda Technical college, Lira

A report from the Public relations officer, Abel Ogwang confirms the resolution from the Meeting a head of Sunday encounter with Tooro Province.

Lango Province || FUFA Drum
Meeting resolutions

~ Lango Province management admitted that there was a communication gap between the management and the fans, they apologized to the fans.

~ Fans took it in good faith and forgave the management team spearheaded by the Chairperson Team 5k.

~ The management thoroughly explained the financial challenges they’ve been facing right from the Ankole game upto date that led to accumulation of debts, major reason as to why the entry fee was increased to 10k.

~ Accountabilities were given in regards to all the 4 games played under the current management. Anyone is free to reach out to the finance team to view the accountability details.

~Fans accepted to stand by the management in whatever challenge is being faced to see the team move forward, entry fee remains as; 10k ordinary, 30k VIP & 50k VVIP.

~ A total of 4 members (Team 5k) absorbed into the management team; Ojok Robert, Romano Odongo, Awio Geoffrey & Acen Eunice.

Thank You

The match is scheduled for Sunday, 18th December 2022 at Akii-Bua Stadium at a fee of 10K for ordinary ticket.

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Cc. Lango Sports Journal
Cc. Lango Sports Press Association

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