
CID On Spot After Releasing A Notorious Defilement Suspect.

The Lira Residents City Commissioner, Lawrence Egole has ordered for the arrest of John Moses Ajuga, a CID Officer attached to Lira Central Police Station for releasing a notorious defilement suspect.

Commissioner Egole ordered for the arrest after Ajuga released Steven Ayine Mugisha, who was arrested on Friday from St. Katherine Girls Secondary School in the middle of the night when he had gone to pick up a senior III student.

Reports say the school management declined his request on grounds that the girl had reported Ayine for sexual abuse. The suspect was then detained at Lira CPS until Monday night when Ajuga released him under unclear circumstances.

Egole has ordered the arrest of the CID officer whom he accuses of protecting the suspect.

He further explains that Ayine is a notorious criminal who for some reason is always released from police custody every time he is arrested and security has been investigating the reasons as to why.

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