
Finally Stayput Releases the “ABUBANG” Video, Watch it Here.

Finally the outstanding rapper, Stayput has released his long awaited video “Abubang” video.

The rapper early Friday morning use his Facebook account to make the pronouncement.

The video was Directed and edited by Naibi one of the outstanding video directors specialised in music videos.

He however thank everyone played key roles in making sure that all has been a success.

ABUBANG MUSIC VIDEO is out and I want to recognize these selfless individuals who played key roles in making this a success
1-Video director Naibi
2- Wyler
3- Adilo Daniel Obote
4- Boteng Coolio
Special shouts to shooting crew members
And everybody that turned up and made this a success..” Posted Stayput.

Meanwhile Stayput has yet confirmed he is working on a new project, “Go Away” featuring RnB singer BeePee and will be out by the end of July.

Here is a link to the video and don’t forget to subscribe to Stayput’s YouTube Channel for more amazing packages.


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