Dr Samuel Opio Acuti, the area Member of Parliament of Kole North has launched a community vocational training centre in his Constituency.

According to Dr. Opio, this is the first out of the 8 community vocational traning centres to be esatblished in Kole North to equip youth with Vocational skills for self reliance.
The training centre is entitled to tutor the inhabintants with skills like, tailoring, Carpentry, Baking and among others where each will be equiped with the machines each month fir the next 7 months.
He also pointed out that atleast 20 percent of the youth aged between 13 to 18 in Kole North are in secondary school. 80 percent are home majority because their parents can not affort their school fees.
Besides the listed vocational skills, Motocycle repair, metal fabrication and shoe making are to be added in the vocational centres.
Kole North is expected to train atleast 500 youth every year and find means to enable them start their own enterprises.