
Dokolo water project burst pipe in Akalodong swamp fixed.

The Dokolo water project contractor M/s Zhongmei Engineering Group has restored regular water supply through Amwoma subcounty, Dokolo district after a brief disruption.

The Ministry of Water & Environment and M/s Zhongmei Engineering Group were informed of a leakage on DN 250 DI Pipe in Akalodong Swamp in Amwoma subcounty on the 18th April 2022 at 10am. This is a pumped transmission main that connects Agwata booster station and Dokolo reservoir tank.

Technicians explain that the leakage was at a joint between the two pipes.  In order to fix the leakage, the joints of the two pipes had to be cut and flanged adaptors used to fix the leakage. This was done after switching off the pumps at Agwata booster station.

A Water Ministry official assured the country that repairs on the leakage did not cost the taxpayer. This is because the project is under defects liability and all identified defects are the mandate of the contractor.

He regretted the inconvenience but commended the technicians for responding swiftly to a delicate situation and rectifying it in time.

He called upon the media to ensure balanced reporting by always seeking information from the ministry whenever such an incident occurs to prevent unduly alarming the public.

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