
A Teacher Arrested For Serving School Dirty Water

A teacher at Lebngec Primary School in Lungulu Sub County, Nwoya district has been arrested for serving to fellow teachers and pupils, dirty water used for washing a national flag.

Akello Lilly Grace was arrested on Thursday together with a primary seven pupil.

Atube Denis, the local council three chairperson of Lungulu Sub County said that the accused reportedly served the water they had used for washing the national flag to the school population at around 11am for yet unclear reasons.

Atube said parents who got to learn of the incident, this morning blocked their children from going to school in protest.

George Akena, the head teacher Lebngec Primary School could not comment on the incident saying he was away from the district on official duty.

Police at Lungulu police post where the suspects are being held declined to comment.

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